How to Automate Google Drive: Organizing Files and Folders with Apps Script

How to Automate Google Drive: Organizing Files and Folders with Apps Script

Google Drive is a versatile platform for storing and managing files and folders. With Google Apps Script, you can automate and streamline your file organization tasks, making your work more efficient. In this blog post, we'll explore how you can automate Google Drive to organize files and folders with Apps Script.

Why Use Google Apps Script for Google Drive?

Google Apps Script is a powerful scripting language for automating tasks and extending the functionality of Google Workspace applications, including Google Drive. Here are some compelling reasons to use it for file organization:

  • Automate Repetitive Tasks: Automatically sort and categorize files based on rules and criteria.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Streamline file-sharing processes for teams and projects.
  • Data Backup: Create automated backups of critical files and folders.
  • Customization: Tailor your file organization scripts to fit your unique needs.

Getting Started with Google Apps Script for Google Drive

Follow these simple steps to get started with automating Google Drive using Apps Script:

  1. Open Google Drive and create a new folder or open an existing one.
  2. Click on the "Extensions" menu and select "Apps Script."
  3. Replace the default code with your custom script and save it.
  4. Configure triggers to run the script automatically based on specific events or schedules.

Example: Auto-Organizing Files by Type

Let's say you want to automatically organize files in your Google Drive folder based on their types, such as documents, images, and spreadsheets. With Google Apps Script, you can create a script like this:

    function organizeFilesByType() {
      var folder = DriveApp.getFolderById('YOUR_FOLDER_ID');
      var files = folder.getFiles();
      while (files.hasNext()) {
        var file =;
        var fileType = file.getMimeType();
        var targetFolderId = getTargetFolderId(fileType);
        if (targetFolderId) {
          var targetFolder = DriveApp.getFolderById(targetFolderId);
    function getTargetFolderId(fileType) {
      // Define rules to determine the target folder for each file type
      var fileTypeRules = {
        'application/pdf': 'PDFs',
        'image/jpeg': 'Images',
        'application/': 'Spreadsheets',
        // Add more rules as needed
      return fileTypeRules[fileType];

This script organizes files in a Google Drive folder into subfolders based on their file types. You can customize the rules to suit your specific file categorization needs.


With Google Apps Script, you can automate and enhance your Google Drive experience by creating custom scripts to organize and manage your files and folders. Whether it's for personal use, project management, or team collaboration, the possibilities are endless.

Start automating your Google Drive today and take control of your file organization with the power of Apps Script!

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